International Graduate Student Workers are Voting Yes!

We, the undersigned current international graduate students at Penn, are writing to you today to encourage you to vote YES in the upcoming union election on May 1st and 2nd at Houston Hall. More than thirty percent of graduate students at Penn are international,...

Penn admin delays our union vote

Yesterday, two things happened that have had a profound effect on our union election proceedings. First, graduate workers won our appeal against Penn’s attempt to exclude Educational Fellowship Recipients (EFRs) who do teaching or research from voting in the union...

GET-UP Wrapped – 2023 Year in Review

2023 was a big year for music—er, unions! Across the higher ed sector, unions in Philly and across the country won big. It was also a big year for our union in particular. We spent 2023 meeting milestone after milestone on the road to unionization. In January, after...

Fear and Union-Busting at the NLRB

On November 2 and 3, we had our National Labor Relations Board hearing to litigate with Penn over who would be included in our union. As graduate workers, we argued that all graduate workers who perform research and teaching labor at Penn should be part of our union...