We’re Voting Yes for a Better Penn!
Election Information:
Date: Wednesday, May 1 & Thursday, May 2, 2024
Time: 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Location: Bodek Lounge in Houston Hall, 3417 Spruce St, Philadelphia PA
Voting “yes” to form a union will allow us, as Penn graduate student workers, to collectively bargain with Penn management for the first time. With a union:
- The Penn administration will have a legal obligation to negotiate with grad workers over pay, benefits, and workplace rights and protections
- Any improvements grad workers negotiate will be part of an enforceable contract
- Every graduate student worker will be able to participate in the bargaining process through surveys, town halls, regular bargaining updates, and more
- Every graduate student worker will have the opportunity to vote on whether or not to ratify any proposed contract before it goes into effect
Our fight for unionization is supported by other members of our community, including other unions at Penn and our elected representatives who held a press conference in March to call for a free and fair election. It’s also supported by faculty at Penn, almost 250 of whom have signed a letter in support of our right to unionize. We all want a better Penn, and we know that means unions for the people who make Penn run.
As graduate student workers, we make essential contributions to the world-class teaching and research conducted at Penn. However, many of us still struggle to pay high housing and other costs in Philadelphia, lack secure rights in the workplace, and face increasing uncertainty about our futures given the precarious nature of higher education and unstable regulation of visas and work authorization for international student workers.
Right now, Penn management unilaterally decides if, when, and how to address challenges faced by graduate student workers. With collective bargaining, we can meet at the bargaining table as equals and make sure our collective voice as graduate workers is heard. With strong participation and support from the entire community of Penn graduate student workers, we can bargain a union contract that better meets our needs. Vote UNION YES to make sure your voice is heard and your needs are met!
Join us: vote yes to form our union!
We are graduate student employees working in over 100 departments and programs across the University of Pennsylvania. We will be voting YES to form a union in order to negotiate improvements to our working conditions and have a stronger voice for graduate workers at Penn. We are voting YES to form GETUP-UAW, and we hope you’ll join us by pledging to vote YES too!
Aaron Schankler, Chemistry
Abe Eafa, Chemistry
Abhi Sanghani, Anthropology
Abigail Ballantyne, History and Sociology of Science
Abigail Dym, Political Science
Abigail Ridler, Cell and Molecular Biology: Developmental, Stem Cell, and Regenerative Biology
Abram J Lyons, School of Social Policy and Practice
Adama Berndt, Neuroscience
Addison Buxton-Martin, Biology
Adina Goldstein, Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education
Aditya Srinivasan, Biotechnology
Adriana A Scanteianu, Demography
Adrien, History and Sociology of Science
Ahlenne Abreu, Cancer Biology & Pharmacology
Aidan Fielding, Biology
Aidan Grant Gomez, Chemistry
Akash Pattnaik, Bioengineering
Akash Sinha, Biology
Akhil P Veetil, South Asia Studies & Comparative Literature
Alan Boka, Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics & Physiology
Alara Hanci, Law
Alessandra Dominguez, Art and Archaeology of the Mediterranean World
Alex Gordienko, Psychology
Alex Nguyen, Classical Studies
Alex Nguyen-Le, Electrical and Systems Engineering
Alexa Ringer, City Planning
Alexa Salas, Law
Alexandra Casison, Demography
Alexis Hernando Cubas, Spanish and Portuguese
Alice Wang, Genomics and Computational Biology
Alisha Kodibagkar, Bioengineering
Aliyah Bixby-Driesen, Anthropology
Allison Brooks-Conrad, Music
Alyssa Moore, Cell and Molecular Biology
Amber Mackey, Political Science
Amelia Carter, History and Sociology of Science
Amelia Klein, Electrical and Systems Engineering
Amirreza Shoobi, Electrical and Systems Engineering
Amy Germer, Physics and Astronomy
Amy Gladstein, Cell and Molecular Biology: Genetics and Epigenetics
Amy Guillotte, Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education
Amy Metlay, Chemistry
Anahita Kumar, Human Development and Quantitative Methods
Ananth Srinivas, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Anat Dan, Comparative Literature
Andra Metcalfe, Law
Andrea Andress Huacachino, Biochemistry and Biophysics
Andres Villatoro, Sociology
Andrew Bookbinder, Law
Andrew Kennedy, Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning
Andrew Kwon, Mathematics
Andrew Nguyen, Neuroscience
Angie Whistler, Education, Culture, and Society
Anh Quach, Biology
Anirudh Karnick, Comparative Literature & South Asia Studies
Anjali DasSarma, Annenberg School for Communication
Anju Parvathy Biju, Comparative Literature
Ann Ho, English
Anna Apostolidis, History
Anna Lehr Mueser, History and Sociology of Science
Anna Leonard, Neuroscience
Anna Luurtsema, Anthropology
Anna Thickens, Cell and Molecular Biology: Cancer Biology
Anna Voss, Neuroscience
Annan Timon, Genomics and Computational Biology
Annastelle Cohen, Cell and Molecular Biology: Genetics and Epigenetics
Anne Somalwar, Applied Mathematics and Computational Science
Anne-Marie Zaccarin, Electrical and Systems Engineering
Anni Moore, Genomics and Computational Biology
Anthony Loprete, Bioengineering
Antoine Haywood, Annenberg School for Communication
Anton Xue, Computer and Information Science
Antonia Offen, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Aoife O’Farrell, Bioengineering
Apurva Ashok Prasad, Comparative Literature & South Asia Studies
Aria Garrett, Pharmacology
Ariel Bates, English
Aritra Kundu, Physics and Astronomy
Arshdeep Brar, History
Artemii Korolkov, Economics
Asa Seresin, English
Asher Maria, Comparative Literature and Literary Theory
Ashley Karnay, Cell and Molecular Biology: Genetics and Epigenetics
Ashley Weiss, Cell and Molecular Biology
Ashvi Jain, Bioengineering
Assil Frayha, Annenberg School for Communication
Astrid Ramos-Rolón, Neuroscience
Atharva Ankush, Genetics
Athi Joja, History of Art
Athina Avrantini, Mathematics
Audrey Jaquiss, Political Science
Austin Boroshok, Psychology
Austin King, Cell and Molecular Biology: Genetics and Epigenetics
Austin Svedjan, English
Autumn Melby, Anthropology
Autumn R Melby, Anthropology
Ayesha Sheth, South Asia Studies
Bailey Nance, Cell and Developmental Biology
Baird Howland, Annenberg School for Communication
Basak Eren, Architecture
Becca Jorgensen, Applied Economics
Benjamin Shaffer, Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics
Benjamin Wales-McGrath, Genetics and Epigenetics
Berkay Uslu, Electrical and Systems Engineering
Bernardo de Moura, Economics
Beth Thompson, Bioengineering
Bhavana Mehta, Computer and Information Science
Bibit Bianchini, Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics
Binbin Chen, Computer and Information Science
Bormeh Faryean, Pathology
Borna Saeednia, Chemistry
Boshu Lei, Computer and Information Science
Brandon Harrison, Education Policy
Brendan Mahoney, Annenberg School for Communication
Brett Vincenzini, Chemistry
Bruce Lee, Electrical and Systems Engineering
Bryce Yu, Electrical and Systems Engineering
Caitlin Frazee, Bioengineering
Caitlin Mccabe, Immunology
Caleb Lewis, English
Callie Crawford, Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics
Calvin Beck, Computer and Information Science
Cameron Thompson, Physiology
Canning Wang, Chemistry
Carl Bannerman, Cell and Molecular Biology: Microbiology, Virology, Parasitology
Carlos Pondevida, Bioengineering
Carlotta de Bellis, Architecture
Caroline Wechsler, M.D./PhD., History and Sociology of Science
Carter Merenstein, Genomics and Computational Biology
Catherine Ubri, Neuroscience
Catherine Wingrove, Pharmacology
Catie Hopkins, Biomedical Graduate Studies
CeCe Coffey, Law
Chaewon Lee, Sociology
Charles Bond, Cell and Molecular Biology: Cell Biology, Physiology, and Metabolism
Charlie Cummings, Physics and Astronomy
Charlie Ferguson, Law
Charlotte Williams, Anthropology
Chelsea Cohen, Anthropology
Ching Chen, Chemistry
Chloe Ahn, Annenberg School for Communication
Chris Wodicka, School of Social Policy and Practice
Christen Hammock Jones, History
Christian Tirrito, Biology
Christian Uruburo, Chemistry
Christiana Dillard, Annenberg School for Communication
Christina Bardjis, Biology
Christopher Demellier, Physics and Astronomy
Christopher G LaMack, Anthropology
Christopher Sojdak, Chemistry
Claire Bandet, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Claire Elliot, Religious Studies
Claire Ma, Political Science
Claire Sabel, History and Sociology of Science
Claire Wan, Literacy Studies
Claire Woodward, Biochemistry & Molecular Biophysics
Clancy Murray, Political Science
Clarasophia Gust, Landscape Architecture
Clare Super, Anthropology
Clarissa Busch, Philosophy
Claudia Lovell, Cell and Molecular Biology
Claudia Schreier, City Planning
Cole Meldorf, Physics and Astronomy
Colton Griffin, Mathematics
Connor Devine, Bioengineering
Coral Kasden, Cell and Molecular Biology
Cung Hoang, Economics
Cynthia Chude, Healthcare Management and Economics
Daelan Roosa, Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics
Dahlia El Zein, History
Dajia Ye, Biology
Dan Boehmler, Cell and Molecular Biology: Cancer Biology
Dan Premawardena, Education, Culture, and Society
Daniel Aldridge, Immunology
Daniel Feshbach, Computer and Information Science
Daniel Hui, Genetics
Daniel Intriago, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Daniel Jaar, Economics
Daniel Kim, Microbiology
Daniel Morreale, Cell and Molecular Biology: Microbiology, Virology, Parasitology
Daniel Morris, Microbiology
David Bakalov, Bioengineering
David Candia, Mechanical Engineering
David Zhang, Genetics
De’Vonte Tinsley, History
Deepaboli Chatterjee, Political Science
Deion Dresser, Francophone, Italian, and Germanic Studies
Dejah Adams, Political Science
Delaney Wilde, Bioengineering
Derek Kennedy, Political Science
Devin Kelly, Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics
Devon Chodzin, City and Regional Planning
Dhyanam Shukla, Cell and Molecular Biology
Diana Negron, City and Regional Planning
Diana Pham, Neuroscience
Diego N Mendez, Cell and Molecular Biology
Divyaraj Nirwan, Biotechnology
Dominique Brooks, Cell and Molecular Biology
Dominique Doyle, Cell and Molecular Biology: Developmental, Stem Cell, and Regenerative Biology
Dora Von Trentini, Chemistry
Du Wang, Bioengineering
Ebbi Boehm, Architecture
Eden Harris, Environmental Studies
Eileen Ying, English
Elam Boockvar-Klein, City Planning
Eleftherios Ioannidis, Computer and Information Science
Elena Kahn, Cell and Molecular Biology: Gene Therapy and Vaccines
Eli Fastow, Materials Science and Engineering
Eli Margolin, Computer and Information Science
Eliana von Krusenstiern, Pharmacology
Elise Parrish, Sociology
Elizabeth Schell, Electrical and Systems Engineering
Ellen Bryer, Sociology
Ellis Buckminster, Mathematics
Elspeth Gow, History and Sociology of Science
Em Slater, Fine Arts
Emilie Grybos, Annenberg School for Communication
Emily Aunins, Cell and Molecular Biology: Microbiology, Virology, Parasitology
Emily Beeman, Materials Science and Engineering
Emily Brackhahn, Chemistry
Emily Curran, Sociology
Emily Hyatt, Neuroscience
Emily Meyer, Neuroscience
Emma Fischer, Neuroscience
Emma Jacobs, History of Art
Emma Koropp, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Emma Welter, Cell and Molecular Biology
Emmy Talian, Literacy Studies
Erica Brown, Cell and Molecular Biology: Gene Therapy and Vaccines
Erica Suh, Genomics and Computational Biology
Erik Williams, Cell and Molecular Biology
Erin Morris, Fine Arts
Ernest Park, Physics and Astronomy
Eshwar-Ram Arunachaleswaran, Computer and Information Science
Estefanie Aguilar Padilla, Higher Education
Ethan Blackwood, Neuroscience
Eymen Akin, Economics
Ezra Lebovitz, Comparative Literature
Farrah Rahaman, Annenberg School for Communication
Fatemeh Ahmadi, Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics
Federico Cimini, Data Science
Fernanda Holloman, Genetics
Fiona Rath, Architecture
Flannery Jamison, Music
Francine Baker, Immunology
Franklin Staback Rodriguez, Immunology
Freddy Purnell, Biology
Gabrielle Ho, Bioengineering
Gary Wang, Bioengineering
George Lin, Psychology
Gianna Perez, Neuroscience
Givi Kadagishvili, Chemistry
Grace Barry, Quantitative Methods
Grace Park, Biochemistry & Molecular Biophysics
Greg Lanzalotto, Operations, Information Management and Decision Processes
Griffin Brewer, Political Science
Guillermo Correa Otero, Chemistry
Gwyneth Fletcher, Ancient History
Hannah Cho, Landscape Architecture
Hannah Geller, Cell and Molecular Biology
Hannah Gura, Neuroscience
Hannah LeClair, Comparative Literature
Hannah Loo, Neuroscience
Hannah Yamagata, Bioengineering
Hanzhong Luo, Architecture
Hassan Saleem, Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning
Hector Kilgoe, Religious Studies
Helene Langlamet, Annenberg School for Communication
Henrique Laurino Dos Santos, Marketing
Henry Love, Electrical and Systems Engineering
Henry Wilson, Chemistry
Hilah Kohen, Comparative Literature
Holly Smithberger, Architecture
Hunter Stufflebeam, Mathematics
Ian Yannuzzi, Cell and Molecular Biology: Cancer Biology
Ignacio Hounie, Electrical and Systems Engineering
Imran Hayat, Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics
Indie Halstead, Comparative Literature
Irvane Ngnie Kamga, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Isabel Navarro, Bioengineering
Isabel Vargas, Cell and Molecular Biology: Microbiology, Virology, and Parasitology
Isabelle Cullen, Neuroscience
Isaiah Rozich, Immunology
Ison Chen, Bioengineering
Jackie Peng, Genomics and Computational Biology
Jackson Bauer, Cell and Molecular Biology
Jackson Sipple, Physics and Astronomy
Jacob Cote, Cell and Molecular Biology
Jacob Davis, History
Jacob Glenister, Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations
Jacob Myers, English
Jacob Van Hook, Mathematics
Jaffna Mathiaparanam, Cell and Developmental Biology
Jake Nussbaum, Anthropology
James Gesualdi, Cell and Molecular Biology
James Mesiti, Spanish and Portuguese
Jancarlos Montoya, Educational Linguistics
Jared Silberglied, Law
Jason Hagler, East Asian Languages and Civilizations
Jason Pang, Law
Javier R Ardila, History
Jeanna Sybert, Annenberg School for Communication
Jeff Zhang, Statistics and Data Science
Jeffrey Chen, Bioengineering
Jeffrey Tao, Computer and Information Science
Jennifer Feng, Anthropology
Jennifer Ko, Epidemiology
Jennifer Paulino, Cell and Molecular Biology: Microbiology, Virology, Parasitology
Jenny Lee, Annenberg School for Communication
Jeongmoon Choi, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Jeremy Steinberg, Religious Studies
Jess Woods, Computer and Information Science
Jesse Amar, Classics
Jessica Abene, Nursing
Jessica Tolbert, Public Health
Jessica Wickware, Chemistry
Jessica Wojick, Biology
Jiageng Liu, Bioengineering
Jianhua Lim, Bioengineering
Jin Wei, Mathematics
Jin Zhou, Teaching, Learning, and Leadership
Jina Hyun, History and Sociology of Science
Jingwen Zhang, Electrical and Systems Engineering
João Victor Nery Fiocchi Rodrigues, Sociology
Joe Bondi, Landscape Architecture
Johanna Bernard, Education Policy
John Deschaine, Immunology
John Russell, Chemistry
John Sigmier, Art and Archaeology of the Mediterranean World
Jonah Ng, Electrical and Systems Engineering
Jonas Peeters, Finance
Jonathan Bonezzi, Architecture
Jonathan Chan, Computer and Information Science
Jonathan Dick, English
Jonathan Nadraws, Chemistry
Jordan Ross, Education, Culture, and Society
Jordan Williams, Pharmacology
Jordana, Fine Arts
Jorge Acuña, Microbiology
Joseph Deutsch, Statistics
Joseph Flores, Chemistry
Joseph Gallegos, Neuroscience
Joshua Tabb, Mathematics
Joy Chiu, Immunology
JS Wu, English
Juan Cerviño, Electrical and Systems Engineering
Juan Elenter, Electrical and Systems Engineering
Juan Luna, Bioengineering
Julia Ditosto, Biomedical Graduate Studies
Julia Flores, Cell and Molecular Biology: Microbiology, Virology, Parasitology
Julia Han Noll, Cell and Molecular Biology: Gene Therapy and Vaccines
Julia Pelosi-Thorpe, Comparative Literature & Italian Studies
Julia Robe, Physics and Astronomy
Julian Quiros, School of Social Policy and Practice
Julian Tash, History
Julianna Supplee, Cancer Biology
Kaatje Greenberg, Law & Bioethics
Kaitlyn Shen, Cell and Molecular Biology: Genetics and Epigenetics
Kal Brown, Annenberg School of Communications
Karen Perez Sarmiento, Physics and Astronomy
Karen Wong, Cell and Molecular Biology: Developmental, Stem Cell, and Regenerative Biology
Kassidy Cantwell, Cell and Molecular Biology: Microbiology, Virology, and Parasitology
Kate Jaroszynski, Bioengineering
Kate Nicole Hoffman, Philosophy
Katelyn Kim, Sociology
Katelyn Titus, Bioengineering
Katherine Scahill, Music
Kathleen Hui, Economics
Kathryn O’Neill, Sociology & Demography
Kathy Bi, Applied Economics
Katie Mao, Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics
Katie Premo, Immunology
Katlyn Lederer, Immunology
Kaustubh Naik, South Asia Studies
KC O’Hara, History
Keegan Krick, Cell and Molecular Biology: Genetics and Epigenetics
Keehyun Park, Biology
Keenan O’Dea, Cell and Molecular Biology
Kelly Kopera, Chemistry
Kelsey Love Russom, School of Social Policy and Practice
Kelsey Trudo, Reading, Writing, Literacy
Kelvin Vu, Architecture
Kenji Yeoh, Bioengineering
Kenny Calderon, Chemistry
Kerry McAuliffe, English
Keshava Katti, Electrical and Systems Engineering
Kevin Hernandez, Cell and Molecular Biology: Microbiology, Virology, and Parasitology
Kexin Xu, Chemistry
Khris Trihemasava, Immunology
Kiara Rodríguez-Acevedo, Cell and Molecular Biology: Genetics and Epigenetics
Kinjal, Annenberg
Kirby Sokolow, Religious Studies
Kirsten Lee, English
Kirsten Lydic, Annenberg School for Communication
KJ Mosley, Interdisciplinary Studies in Human Development
Kobe Abney, Systems Pharmacology and Translational Therapeutics
Konstantinos Kallas, Computer and Information Science
Krishan Canzius, Mathematics
Kristopher Bendrick, Music
Krittin Trihemasava, Immunology
Kyilah Terry, Political Science
Kyla Mace, Pharmacology
Kyle Shaffer, Chemistry
Kyle Skelil, Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics
Kyra Smith, Bioengineering
Kyrie Dowling, Computer and Information Science
Kyurae Kim, Computer and Information Science
Langqiu Xiao, Chemistry
Lara Condon, Teaching, Learning, and Leadership
Laura Anderson, Immunology
Laura Hannon, Law
Laura Ogburn, Teaching, Learning, and Leadership
Lauren Bakst, English
Lauren Cominsky, Immunology
Lauren Elizabeth Lee, Medicine, Cardiovascular Insitute
Lauren Perry, Law & Philosophy
Lauren Reich, Cell and Molecular Biology
Lawrence Dunn, Computer and Information Science
Lee Milburn, Robotics
Lenny Schnier, School of Social Policy and Practice
Leon Palao III, Biochemistry and Biophysics
Levi Phillips, Law
Liangzu Peng, Electrical and Systems Engineering
Lila Goldenberg, History
Lilly Haave, Classical Studies
Lina Bauer, Wharton
Lindsay Dusard, Quantitative Methods
Lindsay Graef, Criminology
Lindsay Guare, Genomics and Computational Biology
Lindsey Graham, Education Research
Lisa Martinez, Philosophy
Lisa Wooldridge, Neuroscience & Psychiatry
Liz Hallgren, Annenberg School for Communication
Liz Rose, Comparative Literature
Lizeth Lopez Vazquez, Chemistry
Long Hei, Human Development and Quantitative Methods
Loreilys Mejias, Cell and Molecular Biology
Louis Polcin, Ancient History
Lourdes Contreras, Francophone, Italian and Germanic Studies
Luella Allen-Waller, Biology
Luis Morales-Navarro, Learning Sciences and Technologies
Lupita Barrientos, Educational Linguistics
Lydia Mendoza, Cell and Molecular Biology: Microbiology, Virology, and Parasitology
Lyndsay Hastings, Neuroscience
Lynette Shen, History of Art
MC Overholt, Architecture
Maddie Bober, Law
Madeleine Lowe, Public Health
Madeline Bruning, Law
Madison Herling, Chemistry
Maggie Zhou, Neuroscience
Mahdi Sabbaghi Nadooshan, Electrical and Systems Engineering
Mai Liu, Bioengineering
Marc Muhleisen, Mathematics
Marcelina Martynek, Biology
Marcos Sanchez Navarro, Neuroscience
Margot Young, Physics and Astronomy
Maria F Carrera, Cell and Molecular Biology
Maria Merolle, Immunology
Marisa Petticord, Neuroscience
Marissa Maroni, Neuroscience
Mariya Lupandina, Landscape Architecture
Mark Dittmar, Cell and Molecular Biology: Microbiology, Virology, Parasitology
Mark Van Horn, Art and Archaeology of the Mediterranean World
Martha Stone, Neuroscience
Masha Long, Bioengineering
Matt Carson, Chemistry
Matthew Mouck, Genomics and Computational Biology
Matthew Murphy, Economics
Matthew Tracey, Biochemistry and Biophysics
Matty Hemming, English
Max Furigay, Chemistry
Max Genecov, Psychology
Maxwell Pisciotta, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Maya Hale, Neuroscience
Mayank Keoliya, Computer and Information Science
Mayesha Ahmed, Chemistry
McCall Calvert, Biology
Meagan Murray, Law
Megan Bird, Law
Megan Guerin, Cell and Molecular Biology: Developmental, Stem Cell, and Regenerative Biology
Megan MacDonald, Graduate School of Education
Megan Wisniewski, Sociology
Mengting Fang, Psychology
Michael Machold, Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics
Michael Scaglione, Immunology
Michael Watkins, English
Michelle Roos, Chemistry
Miguel Lopez, Applied Mathematics and Computational Science
Mikaela Martin, Linguistics
Mikaela Wolf-Sorokin, Law
Mimi Hacking, Francophone, Italian and Germanic Studies
Mitchell Zembower, Chemistry
Mohamad Rawas-Qalaji, Pharmacology
Mohammed S Saqib, Bioengineering
Molly Young, English
Monami Nishio, Psychology
Monique Perry, Teaching, Learning, and Leadership
Montita Sowapark, M.D./PhD., Anthropology
Morgan Kindel, Neuroscience
Muskaan Beriwal, Computer and Information Science
Nandan Tumu, Electrical and Systems Engineering
Naomi Zucker, Anthropology
Nat Rivkin, English
Natalia Aponte Borges, Biology
Natasha Williams, Annenberg School for Communication & Political Science
Nate McKnight, Chemistry
Nathan Dangle, Immunology
Nathan Nyitrai, School of Social Policy and Practice & Social Work
Neelay Velingker, Computer and Information Science
Neha Joshi, Physics and Astronomy
Neil Fasching, Annenberg School for Communication
Neil Sehgal, Computer and Information Science
Nelida Robles, Cell and Molecular Biology: Microbiology, Virology, and Parasitology
Nicholas Bolden, Cell and Molecular Biology: Microbiology, Virology, and Parasitology
Nicholas Ontko, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Nick Pangakis, Political Science
Nick Williams, Cell and Molecular Biology: Developmental, Stem Cell, and Regenerative Biology
Nico Millman, English
Nicolai Apenes, Immunology
Nicole Adrian, History
Nicole Conover, Nursing
Nicole Raniszewski, Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics
Nidhi Nasiar, Learning Sciences and Technologies
Nikita Borisov, Mathematics
Nipun Kottage, Anthropology
Nita Rome, Neuroscience
Noa Machover, Landscape Architecture
Nooshin Sadeghsamimi, Anthropology
Nora Reikosky, Education, Culture, and Society & Political Science
Nudrat Kamal, Comparative Literature
Nuri Yi, Biology
Oishi Bardhan, Immunology
Oliver Atwood, Landscape Architecture
Olivia Larson, Psychology
Oriol González Casasús, Economics
Parker LaMascus, Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics
Patricia Guadalupe Castro, Cell and Molecular Biology: Cell Biology, Physiology, and Metabolism
Patrick Exconde, Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics
Patrick Lavallee, Education Policy
Patty Colosi, Cell and Molecular Biology: Cell Biology, Physiology, and Metabolism
Paul Biberstein, Computer and Information Science
Penelope Lusk, Education, Culture, and Society
Peter Bailer, Biochemistry and Biophysics
Polina Holubovska, Chemistry
Preeti Bhanap, Genomics and Computational Biology
Prithvi Sinha, Pharmacology
Priyanda Giri, Chemistry
Priyanjali Sinha, Landscape Architecture
Priyanka Amin-Patel, Historic Preservation
Priyanka Chatterjee, Biology
Puneeth Guruprasad, Bioengineering
Qiran Shang, Architecture
Rachel Clement, Immunology
Rachel Dickerson, Anthropology
Rachel Serafin, Microbiology
Rachel Sklutuis, Cell and Molecular Biology
Rachele Ciulli, Marketing
Rachita Saxena, Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning
Rae Fanella, Law
Rae Herman, Neuroscience
Raghu Arghal, Electrical and Systems Engineering
Rain Jacobson, Fine Arts
Rami Kanafani, Architecture
Ran Wang, Sociology
Ranjani Ramasubramanian, Bioengineering
Razan Idris, History
Rebeca Aquino Ventura, Cell and Molecular Biology: Gene Therapy and Vaccines
Rebecca Carrillo, Environmental Studies
Rebecca Fishman, Physics and Astronomy
Rehan Kumar, Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics
Rehana Odendaal, Education, Culture, and Society & Sociology
Renee-Tyler Morales, Bioengineering
Rhea Swain, History of Art
Rheem Brooks, Law & Wharton
Riku Sayuj, Education
Robert Vigar, Anthropology
Romie Azor, Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics
Ronit Schwartz, Cell and Molecular Biology
Rose Albert, Pharmacology
Rosed Serrano, English
Ruiqing Xiao, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Rupa Khanal, Biology
Rushabh Mehta, Cell and Molecular Biology
Rushnae Kabir, Religious Studies
Ruth Penberthy, Landscape Architecture
Ryan Wheat, Psychology
Salma Tarmoun, Applied Mathematics and Computational Science
Sam Franz, History and Sociology of Science
Sam Layding, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Sam Perlstein, Psychology
Sam Preza, Bioengineering
Sam Schirvar, History and Sociology of Science
Samaita Jana, School of Social Policy and Practice
Samantha Fritz, Philosophy
Samantha Seyler, Anthropology
Samantha Stephen, School of Social Policy and Practice
Samuel Garfinkle, Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics
Samuel Pollock, Bioengineering
Sanam Kavari, Cell and Molecular Biology: Genetics and Epigenetics
Sara Alexander, Microbiology
Sara Meloni, History and Sociology of Science
Sarah Applebey, Neuroscience
Sarah Eskandari, History
Sarah Ferrigno, Neuroscience
Sarah Gagnon, Neuroscience
Sarah O’Neill, Pharmacology
Sarah Thompson, Electrical and Systems Engineering
Sasha Dilan Krugman, English
Sebastian Dilones, Chemistry
Seewon Choi, Computer and Information Science
Segovia Garcia, Cell and Molecular Biology: Developmental, Stem Cell, and Regenerative Biology
SeSe Nguyen, Finance
Shahab Chizari, Bioengineering
Shane Bugni, Architecture
Shawn Hernandez, Philosophy
Sheel, Biology
Shelby Weathers, Psychology
Sheridan Macy, Law & History
Sheridan Marsh, Art and Archaeology of the Mediterranean World
Shermont Bradwell, Public Health
Shervin Khalafi, Electrical and Systems Engineering
Shivanand Boddapati, South Asia Studies and Music
Shize Che, Computer and Information Science
Sierra Caley, Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning
Silvia Teliz, Annenberg School for Communication
Sim Gill, Annenberg School for Communication
Simon Bohn, Neuroscience
Simone Darkoa-Larbi, Computer and Information Science
Sirwan Renas, Political Science
Sonresa Molina-Vidales, Cell and Molecular Biology: Microbiology, Virology, Parasitology
Sophia Cocozza, Music
Sophie Gray-Gaillard, Immunology
Sophie Silver, Earth and Environmental Science
Stefan Peterson, Cell and Molecular Biology
Stefano Cravero, Economics
Stephanie Uroda, Neuroscience
Stephen Lee, Bioengineering
Sung-Ya Lin, Biology
Suzana Hossain, Cell and Molecular Biology: Microbiology, Virology, and Parasitology
Suzanna Rachimi, Immunology
Sydney King, Public Health
Sydney Negus, Educational Linguistics
Ta-Jung Chiu, Chemistry
Taely Freeman, Architecture
Tanay Bhandarkar, Physics
Tanya Vaidya, Political Science
Tariq Cannonier, Neuroscience
Tayeba Batool, Anthropology
Taylor Dysart, History and Sociology of Science
Taylor Miller-Ensminger, Microbiology
Taylor Senay, Microbiology
Taylor Yount, Cell and Molecular Biology: Microbiology, Virology, and Parasitology
Teddy Williamson, Cell and Molecular Biology: Developmental, Stem Cell, and Regenerative Biology
Tejas Harad, Annenberg School for Communication
Tess Bernhard, Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education
Thandi Lyew, Annenberg School for Communication
Thomas Collins, English
Tiferet Ani, Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education
Tim Cox, Microbiology
Timmy Straw, Comparative Literature
Timothy Dorr, Annenberg School for Communication
Tom Etienne, Annenberg School for Communication & Political Science
Tom Ko, Chemistry
Tram Anh Nguyen, Genomics and Computational Biology
Tre Williams, Chemistry
Trevor, Bioengineering
Tyler Re, Philosophy
Tyler Reagle, Chemistry
Umar Aly, International Educational Development
Vaibhav Sahu, Engineering
Valeria Seminario, Spanish and Portuguese
Valeria Vigo, Cell and Molecular Biology: Microbiology, Virology, and Parasitology
Vanessa Schipani, Philosophy
VanJessica Gladney, History
Vedat Erdogan, Economics
Vicente Gonzalez Bosca, Applied Math
Victor Pablo Acero, Bioengineering
Victoria Lovins, Microbiology, Virology, and Parasitology
Vinay Mallikaarjun, Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education
Violet Ullman, Bioengineering
Vishwanath EVS, Annenberg School for Communication
Vivian Hoang, Cell and Molecular Biology: Microbiology, Virology, and Parasitology
Walker Gosrich, Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics
Wanqi Hu, Data Science
Warner Carnero, Chemistry
Wentao Wang, Bioengineering
William Benman, Bioengineering
William Yang, Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics
Wonil Jung, Chemistry
Xianfei Xu, Chemistry
Xiang Ji, Chemistry
Xijing Gong, Bioengineering
Xinmeng Huang, Applied Math and Computational Science
Yajna Sanguhan, Political Science
Yamilée Morency, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Yara Damaj, Political Science
Yi Wang, Mathematics
Yifan Wu, Bioengineering
Yifei Li, Computer and Information Science – PhD
Yihui Zhang, Materials Science and Engineering
Yolanda Simpson, Pharmacology
Yong June Choe, Linguistics
Young Ahn, Economics
Yuan Xu, Intercultural Communication
Yuhui Wang, Materials Science and Engineering
Yuna Shao, Computer and Information Science
Yunfei He, Electrical and Systems Engineering
Yuwei Qi, Cell and Molecular Biology: Cell Biology, Physiology, and Metabolism
Zach Langford, Physics and Astronomy
Zachary Gardner, Cell and Molecular Biology: Genetics and Epigenetics
Zachary Lanzar, Immunology
Zain Aamer, Computer and Information Science
Zhechen Zhu, Electrical and Electronics Engineering & Computer and Informational Technology
Zhiheng You, Economics
Zhuo Biao Cai, Computer and Information Technology
Ziyang Li, Computer and Information Science
Zoe Fallon, History
Zoe Jordan, Political Science
Zoey Cao, Computer and Information Science
Zoey Miller, Pharmacology